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Transpersonal Healing


Transpersonal healing takes place at the soul level, beyond the person. It recognizes that we are intricately connected; our liberation bound. As you heal yourself there is a ripple in the web that radiates seven generations ahead and behind. Your ancestors, descendants, and Source consciousness celebrate in your journey toward health and wholeness. It takes great courage and vulnerability to truly face oneself and heal at the root. ​And while you hold the key to your expansion, you don't have to walk this healing path alone. 


I provide a safe and supportive container so that you may uncover your own brilliant sanity and inner light. You have the power to heal yourself and along with Spirit, I can help you uncover that power. 


Often, in order to step further into wholeness, we must first clear energetic and spiritual blockages preventing us from moving forward. Whether this be physical or emotional traumas from past lives or our current incarnation, the body remembers and can become stuck in old patterns. Regression therapy can help to remove those blockages so that energies can move freely and traumas can be released from the body


Past Life Soul Regression


At the time of death, our soul can carry with it unresolved issues, unfulfilled promises, beliefs, ailments, phobias and attachments from previous lives which can be brought into this lifetime to be worked through. By exploring these issues, we can integrate this understanding into our current lifetime and resolve destructive patterns, emotional and physical ailments, relationship issues, and much more. It also gives us an opportunity to dissolve our fear of death as we see for ourselves through our eternal spirit that we have lived many times before and that death is just an illusion.

During this healing session, hypnosis will be used to alter your state of consciousness, bringing you into a deeply relaxed state of awareness. This altered state opens the gateway to the subconscious, home to our eternal soul and past life memories.

The purpose of this work is not to re-traumatize or remain in the past, but rather to bring awareness of past situations in order to gain a new perspective and to heal and release old residues so one can move forward with clarity and purpose.


Past Life Soul Regression can help you to:

  • Heal past life traumas

  • Release fear of death

  • Allow expanded spiritual perspective

  • Overcome grief

  • Understand the origins of phobias

  • Gain insight to, and release from, physical issues

  • Heal relationship concerns

  • Release negative patterns and habits

An audio recording of your session will be shared with you. This enables you to review the details of your experience, allowing stronger anchoring of the insights revealed.

Womb Regression


Our life experience begins long before we take our fist breath. When we transition from non-physical to physical form, our soul is exposed to all that our mother experiences while we are in utero. Whether consciously or unconsciously - and for a variety of reasons - we may absorb Mother's feelings, emotions, and perceptions as our own. Such imprints often contribute to core wounding that we carry with us throughout our life. These ailments ultimately act in the service of our spiritual growth and evolution. However, when left dormant, they can cause us great pain. By returning to core wounds that interfere with the expression of our true nature, we begin to bring light to them in a way that releases their power over us.


Similar to the PLSR session, womb regression begins with gentle guided meditation and hypnotherapy, bringing you into a deeply relaxed state of awareness. This altered state opens the gateway to the subconscious, home to our eternal soul and its memories. Here, we revisit several memories from childhood until we return to the time spent in the womb. In this healing process, we align once more with our Soul's intention and purpose, begin to understand, untangle, and release intergenerational traumas, resolve destructive patterns, employ agency and choice, reclaim sources of power, care for our inner-child, rewrite our stories, and much more.

Womb Regression can help you to:

  • Reveal and release spiritual entanglements

  • Unveil the origins of core wounds in order to release them

  • Gain powerful insight into your life purpose and intention 

  • Heal ancestral and intergenerational traumas

  • Reclaim sources of personal power

  • Allow expanded spiritual perspective

  • Release negative patterns and habits in relationships

An audio recording of your session will be shared with you. This enables you to review the details of the session, allowing stronger anchoring of the insights revealed.


In respect to the ancient healing traditions of indigenous shamans and the lineage of initiation those wisdom keepers uphold, I do not claim the title of shaman - or healer. My practice is one of deep connection to Mother Earth and all her creations, as well as the unseen realms. It is with honor and reverence that I offer these services to aid in your expansion. 

My primary intention is to act as a conduit, a hollow bone, for the messages of Great Spirit to flow through me. I do my best to prepare myself as a clear channel for your guidance and present what is revealed as directly as possible. I believe that you are your own healer and your healing requires a great deal of effort and commitment from you. This means, if you are asking spirit for guidance, please be prepared to receive the answers and take action. Spirit may reveal the path to you, but you must put in the effort to walk it

Image by engin akyurt

Shamanic Soul Retrieval


Soul retrieval can help to restore the fullness of your being; returning lost parts of your essence back home to the Soul. 


We all experience a certain degree of trauma in our lives; some more pervasive than others. When we undergo trauma, a part of our Soul - our vital essence or life force -  may exit the body so that we can survive whatever is happening to us. Problems develop when the soul part or fragment does not return. This is called soul loss and can leave us feeling dissociated, lost, and deeply depleted.​

People who experience soul loss may feel fragmented in some way or that an essential part of themselves is missing - like they are "not all here". They also may experience gaps in memory, chronic depression, and/or physical illness accompanying the traumatic event. 

Soul loss can take place when we suffer life experiences such as the death or separation of a loved one, feeling unloved, unwanted, or abandoned as a child, accidents, major surgeries, interpersonal abuse, rape, exposure to war or natural disasters, or any pervasive period of difficult circumstances. 


The purpose of the shamanic healing practice of soul retrieval is to gather as much of our life force as possible in order to live this life to the greatest degree that we can as human beings.

Soul retrieval may be helpful to: ​

  • Regain a sense of wholeness within your being

  • Release spiritual entanglements, and emotional or physical blockages that prevent you from aligning with the greater part of who you are

  • Restore meaning and purpose in your life; enabling you to create a path of ease and joy

  • Provide clarity and resolve to unconscious disruptive patterns that repeat in your life

  • Ease physical and mental illnesses caused by soul loss 

  • Restore connection to the body, mind, and spirit



During this healing session I will journey, with the help of my spirit animal allies, outside of linear time to the place where the traumatic event is still occurring for you, locate your life force which is held in that energetic event, and restore it.​

You will receive a detailed written description of what took place during the session, and in many cases, loving instructions from helping animal spirits as you integrate and "welcome home" these reclaimed parts of your Soul. 

​This session is performed remotely. Integration session may be performed by phone or video conference and are typically 30 - 45 minutes in duration.  

Shamanic Divination Journey


We all have questions to which there are no easy answers. A shamanic divination journey can reveal new paths, new opportunities, guidance, and information that is vital to your life’s journey


Using the rhythm of the drum, I will journey "between worlds" on your behalf to receive answers, guidance, and direction for you from compassionate and wise spirit guides. During this journey, I will commune with your guides regarding 1-2 questions that you have been pondering in your life.


Divination journey may be helpful to: 

  • Build a relationship with helping animal spirits and guides 

  • Acquire a deeper understanding of events and influences surrounding a certain situation 

  • Develop a deeper understanding of personal relationships 

  • Receive messages from loved ones who have crossed over 

  • Receive guidance on the next steps to take or questions in certain areas of your life 

  • Clarify dreams and other altered states experiences 



You will receive a detailed written description of your divination, and in many cases, loving instructions from your guides as you move forward on your path. I encourage you to remain open to receiving whatever message Spirit has for you. Release any expectations you may be holding for who and what may show up in your journey - you may be pleasantly surprised. 

Divination sessions are performed remotely. Your integration session may be performed by phone or video conference and typically takes 15 - 30 minutes. Questions for your journey may be submitted by email or phone during your initial contact.  

Image by Jeremy Vessey
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